2023 Annual Report

2023 Annual Report cover
July 3, 2024

The AWBA is pleased to share its 2023 Annual Report.  The Annual Report details the AWBA’s activities for calendar year 2023 and the progress made on achieving its goals and obligations including commitments made in support of Arizona’s plan for implementing the Lower Basin Drought Contingency Plan. The report also includes a Ten-Year Plan that describes water banking services the AWBA intends to undertake during the following 10-year period. Ongoing post-2026 Colorado River negotiations and the potential for reductions to Arizona’s apportionment present difficulties in accurately projecting beyond 2026. Despite these difficulties, it is the belief of the AWBA that the current annual plan meets the statutory requirements of ARS 45-2426. The AWBA intends to adapt to the changing landscape of water resources in the Southwest as these negotiations lead to concrete and quantifiable inter-basin agreements.
