The Arizona Water Banking Authority
The Arizona Water Banking Authority (AWBA; Water Bank) was established in 1996 to store the unused portion of Arizona’s annual Colorado River entitlement in Central and Southern Arizona. The AWBA stores water in underground aquifers to earn long-term storage credits (LTSCs). These credits can be recovered (pumped) during a shortage to provide back-up water supplies (known as "firming") for Arizona water users.
Through 2023, the AWBA has accrued 4,380,000 acre-feet of LTSCs: 3,770,000 acre-feet for Arizona uses and 613,846 acre-feet on behalf of the State of Nevada. The AWBA firms water supplies for Central Arizona Project municipal and industrial subcontract holders and communities along the Colorado River. As the agent for the State, the AWBA is responsible for meeting the State's Tribal firming obligations under the Arizona Water Settlements Act of 2004. The AWBA also assists with meeting the State's water management objectives under the Groundwater Code and provides the mechanism for interstate water banking with the other Lower Basin States. By storing water, the AWBA helps to ensure long-term water supplies for Arizona and neighboring states.

2025 Plan of Operation
In 2025, the Colorado River will operate under a Lower Basin Tier 1 shortage condition, which effectively reduces Arizona's Colorado River entitlement by 512,000 acre-feet. Accordingly, there will be no excess CAP water available to the AWBA for storage. While significant, the reductions in Colorado

Comments from AMWUA on the Draft 2025 Plan of Operation
Comment received during public review of the 2025 draft Plan of Operation.

Comments from CAP M&I Subcontractors on the 2023 Draft Annual Report.
Comments received during public review of AWBA 2023 Annual Report.
The next meeting of the Arizona Water Banking Authority Commission is scheduled for Monday, February 10, 2025 - 10:00 - 11:00 a.m.
This meeting will be held via webinar with login details posted 24 hours prior to the meeting.
Pursuant to A.R.S. § 38-431.02(A)(1), all public notices of meetings of the AWBA Commission and any of its subcommittees will be physically posted at the Arizona Department of Water Resources, 1110 W. Washington St., Phoenix, Arizona, near the elevators on the first floor, which is open to the public Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., except legal holidays. AWBA Commission meetings will also be electronically posted to this website under Meetings.